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BIG NEWS – Club Opening Day is SET!

The Cornwall Curling Club is pleased to announce that OPENING DAY for curling at our Club will be Sunday, October 18th, with evening Mixed Doubles league curling, followed on Monday Oct. 19 by our regular Daytime Drop-In, Stick Curling, Junior Practice and Evening Leagues. Little Rockers and Novice instructional sessions will begin on November 1st. 

Stay tuned for a separate update on Registration.

Photo: Chris MacDougall
Incoming Club President Chris MacDougall made the startup date announcement at last evening’s Board of Directors meeting, with the Board’s decision based on the results of our Member Survey, where 87.3% of respondents said that they would like to see the season start within our usual mid-October timeframe. We would like to thank the Board, and the Return to Play Committee, who have completed and submitted their Plan (which has been approved by the Town of Cornwall, and is awaiting approval from the Chief Provincial Health Office, with no early indication of concern, as part of the ‘Town of Cornwall Multi-Use Facility Plan’).for all their hard work on this!
The Return to Play Committee will contact and meet with league Drawmasters to review the new procedures and guidelines and hopes to have education sessions the week before Opening Day to run through the new rules and safety plans and procedures.
At the meeting, our new President thanked out-going President Bryan Sutherland and out-going Board of Directors members Doug Campbell, Etta Reid, Gary O’Sullivan, Greg Groves, Laurie Kelly, and Kellie-Lynn Younker for their service, and welcomed incoming Board Members Sharon Campbell, Debbie Rhodenhizer, and David Fullerton.
President MacDougall also signed letters for Malpeque MP Wayne Easter and Cornwall-Meadowbank MLA Heath MacDonald thanking them for the work they and their governments have done to support our communities during the COVID-19 pandemic and inviting them for a tour of our facilities. Curling clubs and other recreational facilities appreciate this support during these times of higher expenses and possible revenue reductions due to COVID-19 precautions and are glad that governments recognize the important role that recreation plays during these times. The Board will also be presenting letters to Cornwall Mayor Minerva McCourt and the Town Council.
Finally, thanks to our Club Members for their confidence in us, as seen in the Member Survey and at our AGM, as we look forward to beginning a safe and successful season here at the Cornwall Curling Club!
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