Camaraderie, hospitality and warmth, support, and kinship in evidence today (and every day) at our Club!

Could there be a more incredible community of people in sport than in curling….?!

Of course, we know that all sports carry a special sense of camaraderie ….but we truly believe that the community of curling and curling clubs offers an extra special sense of hospitality and warmth in the world of recreation.

We know for sure that beautiful and kind gestures of support and kinship happen here at 29 Cornwall Road.
Every single day.

A day like today…..

Our new Club Member Sasha arrived this morning with her helmet and a brave, enthusiastic heart! She wants to become a curler!

Our talented Ice Technician (and all-around advocate of our sport ) Brent Irving finishes his morning ice maintenance and joyfully volunteers to teach Sasha as she steps out on the ice for the very first time!

Sasha had the best start this game… and she promises us that we will see her tomorrow! Thank you Brent for helping to grow the game and welcoming our new member.
See you on the ice Sasha!

A wonderful volunteer coach for one of our new and eager Junior Teams could not make it to practice today due to a work commitment… without hesitation our very own Landon Warder (and two time ‘Coach of the Year’ !) steps up and generously offers to spend time coaching these new juniors!

Kolin, Skyla, Lucy, and Owen, had such a great practice …and are looking sharp!
Thank you Landon for giving back.

Our Thursday Night Mixed League curling started tonight. this is our entry-level League, and there are many new curlers out there! The experienced members of our club play in this league to have tons of fun… and to give back! We are grateful to them and our dedicated Draw Masters, Angela and Gloria, who lead the planning of this league.

Tonight Cornwall Curling Club Board of Director member Bill McGuire, without hesitation, stepped up and gave some tips and pointers to a new curler who was trying the game! Thank you Bill, for all you do to support our Club.

There is a beautiful community here at 29 Cornwall Road. It is organic and genuine, and we are tremendously proud of our club culture.

Want to know more about curling…? Check out this great video from our friends at Curling Canada!

#Community #PEI  #GrowtheGame #BenefitsofRecreation

Post last modified: Oct 28, 2021 @ 10:29 pm

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