Site icon Cornwall Curling Club

Club closing at 3 pm today

The Cornwall Curling Club will be closing at 3 pm today (Friday) as the Manager has to attend to some important Club business. If you can’t make it by 3 and there are still lost and found items or pictures that you would like to retrieve, call and leave a message and we can arrange a time next week.

We have lost and found items from both the 2019-20 and 2020-21 seasons set out and ask curlers to come and collect any items that they have left behind. This includes several brooms, and pants, shoes, etc…

Anything not collected will be donated, added to our rental repertoire, or thrown out.

We also have on-site and on display photographs from many years past … and welcome all members and formers members to come by and have a look at them and take home their most favourite memories. These photos were scanned and saved by the club volunteer Derek MacEwen during the 2019-20 season.

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