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Cornwall Rocks! Bonspiel raises $2575 to help refurbish our curling stones

The CORNWALL ROCKS Fundraiser, held on Friday and Saturday, was a great success. Sixty three curlers participated in a great weekend of fun. The purpose of this fundraiser was to generate funds to assist with the cost associated with refurbishing our club stones. We are very pleased to announce that we were able to raise $2575 from this event. A very special thank you to all participants for supporting this great cause. We also would like to acknowledge all our sponsorship and members that supported the event.

The four division format results;

Cornwall Esso Division winners:

Darlene Kneabone

Danny Kneabone

Susan McInnis

Mary Beth McInnis


Cornwall Cooperators Division winners:

Bryan Sutherland

Colleen Soltermann

Wayne Dalziel


Dave’s Snowmobile Repair Division winners:

Jim Orr

Frank Weiler

Clare Mullen

Cindy Nicholson


Murphy’s Group of Restaurants Division winners:

Paul Neima

Paula Ling

Mike Lafontaine

Debbie Sigsworth


The overall championship came down to a tie in points between teams Paul Neima & Jim Orr. The skips decided to toss a coin to declare the winner. Congratulations to the Paul Neima team being the winners of the CORNWALL ROCKS 2015.


The weekend activities included;

3 games,

Meat and cheese & cracker trays

50/50 draws,

draw to the button contest,


coffee & muffins,

Chicken Noodle soup & Clam Chowder with rolls & cake

Roast Turkey meal & dessert

26 door prizes (approx. $1100 value)

16 divisional awards ($400 value)

Overall winning trophies

Entertainment from 7-10…actually extended to 11pm


Friday night 50/50 winner:

Edmond Richard $113.00


Draw to the Button winner:

Margaret Stewart (covered the button) $100


Saturday night 50/50 winner:

Edmond Richard…yes the same winner as Friday. However Edmond graciously donated his $120 winnings back to the fundraiser.

In closing, we would like to thank everyone for their support! However we would also like to thank the following sponsors for their support and donations to make this event a success:

Murphy’s Group of Restaurants             Dave’s Snowmobile Repair

Cornwall Esso                                               Cornwall Cooperators

Murphy’s Cornwall Pharmacy                 Tim Horton’s

Cornwall Pizza Delight                               Cornwall Curling Club

Shamrock Truss                                          Olson Curling Supplies

Canadian Tire                                               Sears

Fair Isle Ford                                                KIA

Home Depot                                                Subway

Sobey’s                                                          Superstore

KFC                                                                 Sam’s Restaurant

MacSween Enterprises                             Nissan

Town of Cornwall                                       Cornwall Auto & Tire

Burnside Community Care                       Cornwall Veterinary Clinic

Dr. Donald Stewart                                     Bun’s & Things

Cornwall Independent Grocery Store    Robin’s Donuts

Mary’s Bakery                                              Humpty Dumpty



Thanks to everyone who contributed to the success of CORNWALL ROCKS!

Kimberley MacDonald

Alan Mason

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