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Update on Junior Spring Curling Leagues at Charlottetown

This is a reminder and an update on the Junior Spring Leagues scheduled to start this weekend. 

The four-person teams WILL start on Saturday for sure as there are 6 teams confirmed so far.  If you have a team interested in playing OR if you have some curlers interested in finding a team to play with for the Spring League, please let Amy at Curl PEI ( know as soon as possible.

The Doubles League only has three teams so far so they are still looking for more teams.  This one also has a few issues with availability and so, it looks like the bulk, if not all, games will be played on April 12 & 14 (registration will be adjusted accordingly).  Again, if you have a team or a curler who would like to play please let Amy know as soon as possible.

Previous details:

Curl PEI is pleased to announce that they will be moving forward with Junior Spring Curling Leagues at the Charlottetown Curling Club.   There will be a regular 4-person league (any combination of players) and hopefully a mixed doubles or doubles league. Dates (times may change):

The Leagues are for:

Registration will be:

Curlers will have to pay a Curl PEI and Curling Canada fee if they have not already done so this season.  

The exact schedule/format will depend on the number of teams. 

Please confirm your team by sending an email with the players’ names to

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