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Curling season ends with a skate on the ice by Little Rocker and Novice Curlers!

We have seen the last of our curlers on the ice surface here at 29 Cornwall Road for the 2021-2022 season…
What a great way to end a successful year ~ to have the future of our game~ our Little Rockers and Novice curlers~ say good-bye to the season by trading in their brooms for skates and going for a skate on our ice surface this afternoon (a little easier this year without the dividers between the sheets)!
What a fun afternoon!
Our curlers today enjoyed some yummy cookies donated by our “Daytime Curling Committee”, and really loved the homemade chocolate chip cookies baked by our own Novice curler Mya B.! Thank you Mya!
Your cookies had just the right amount of crinkles and were chewy and delicious!
The children had so much fun on the ice today and even some of the parents joined in!

Here to welcome our Little Rockers and Novice curlers was Cornwall Curling Club Board of Director Member and Curling Development Chair Landon Warder. Landon has spent many Sundays at the club this year helping to grow the game~ and we are so grateful for his leadership and knowledge. Thank you Landon!


Also here to welcome our curlers was our awesome Sunday Coach David Younker. David is a talented and certified instructor and a tremendous asset to our Club and the game! Thank you David !
KellieLynn, drawing for the free membership on Friday
Our Little Rockers and Novice Program Facilitator, KellieLynn Younker could not be here today as she had another commitment , but she did ask us to pass along “that as the Novice and Little Rocker Facilitator I want to thank parents and curlers for an awesome year under the circumstances. A thank you to all of the volunteers who have helped out all year, even behind the scenes. The season would not have been made possible without their awesome help! “
The Club extends our thanks to KellieLynn for the enthusiasm that she brings to the Little Rockers and Novice programs! Many parents indicated what a super fun year their children had…!
The club extends our heartfelt thanks to the coaches of these programs and volunteers. Without your help the children could not have learned to enjoy and play this game so well!
This year our club offered a draw for a free membership to all children who participated in our year-end “Red and Blue~ Little Rockers and Novice Division”, along with our “Red and Blue~Junior Division”. The winner was Ben Bradley as drawn by KellieLynn on Friday evening ! Congratulations Ben!
A genuine thank you to…
KellieLynn Younker
Greg Groves
Ella Lenentine
Lexi Murray
Shaun MacArthur
Kathy Reeves
Nick Fraser
Susan Hubley
David Younker
Clara Jack
Aurora Ulvstal
Will Callbeck
Rob Young
Nancy Milton

And to all who have served the game and our club with their time and commitment.

We look forward to seeing all of our Little Rockers and Novice for the 2021-2022 season here at the Cornwall Curling Club… until then have a safe and enjoyable summer!!
Here’s a photo gallery from this afternoon. Click a photo to enlarge, and use arrows or swipe to go ahead/back.

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