Final reminder – returning members’ registration, tonight at 6:30!


This is a reminder that registration for returning members will be held at the Club on Oct. 9 starting at 6:30 pm. This is your chance to ensure your individual or team placement in our various leagues, and to sign up for the Dominion League if you want. Team curling priority is given to entries with at least 3 returning members, with new teams or members filling any available slots after that.

Registration for new members will be held in conjunction with our annual free adult curling school and open house Oct. 15-17 from 6:30 to 8:30 each night.

Payment terms for adult memberships:  1/2 due on registration and 1/2 due on December 1. A $10.00 service charge applies to payments received after Dec 1. Youth memberships are due at registration. Memberships may be paid with Debit, Visa, Mastercard, cheque, or cash.

Note that HST (14%) and a $15 Canadian Curling Association/Curl PEI fee will be added to the following rates.

We offer a 10% rebate on your membership dues to current members who sign up a new adult curler.

Here is the fee structure for the 2013-2014 season:
One Evening Draw per week – $200
Two Daytime sessions per week – $200
Adult Unlimited Evening only – $305
Adult Unlimited Daytime only – $275
Adult Unlimited (Day and Evening) – $330
Couple Unlimited –  $570
Full-time Student (19+) Unlimited – $220
Commercial League – $650
Little Rockers – $45 for one session, $80 for both sessions
Novice (8-12) and Juniors (13-20) – $120
Junior Membership + one evening draw – $220
Please note that, unlike some other clubs, ALL memberships, including one-draw per week memberships, give you the opportunity to play in members-only tournaments (entry fee applies),  compete (entry fees apply) in provincial championships, book practice time  when ice is available, and spare in any league without additional cost.

Other ($15 CCA/Curl PEI surcharge does not apply):

Locker Rentals   $25 per season (may be shared).

Social Memberships (attend club functions, curl only in weekend spiels at extra cost)   $40
Non-Members “drop-in” fee per draw (pay at bar):

Drop-in Policy

We welcome “drop-in” (non-member) curlers, particularly in our 10 am weekday draws, where teams are made up as players arrive, and also as spares in our other draws. If your spare is a Club member, they don’t have to pay anything extra, but, if your spare is not a member, they are required to pay a “drop-in” fee.

If you don’t have the time to curl here regularly as a member (or are just in town for a few days), and show up before a draw, there is always a chance that we can find a spot for you. If you are able to curl for one entire single-entry draw session (six or seven weeks), we may be able to fit you in, too, as sometimes a member may know in advance that they will be absent for a particular draw – contact the Club Manager. In all these cases, “drop-in” curlers (or their skips who contacted them) are required to pay the drop-in rate at the bar before going on the ice, and skips are required to let the bartender know that a drop-in spare is being used.

Drop-in rates are $10 per game for ALL adult curlers for both evening and daytime draws (this is an increase from last year on the daytime rate), or $5 for juniors, taxes in. For those who “drop-in” frequently for the daytime draws, a pack of 10 drop-in fees is available at a discounted rate of $80. HST is included in Drop-in rates.

The 10 am daytime draw, where teams are made up each day as players arrive, is a special case. Club members regularly in the draw have discs that they drop in a cup labeled with the position that they want to play. Drop-in (non-members) for this draw are required to obtain a chit for this purpose from the office by paying the  drop-in fee. It will have their name on it, and will be turned in by the drawmaster to the office after it is used.

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