Kenmac rescheduling due to forecast storm

kenmacbannerDue to the forecast overnight storm, the Saturday portion of the Kenmac Energy bonspiel will now start at noon and go with two four end games (instead of two six end games). Meals, etc., will remain the same.  Here is the revised draw for Saturday with updated times. Further updates if plans change.

Kenmac Energy Funspiel Draw (Revised)


  ICE 1 ICE 2 ICE 3 ICE 4
Saturday12:00 PM Cronin vs Kennedy Chowan vs Biagé Fowler vs Rolfe Glydon vs Dunn
Saturday1:00 PM LeBlanc vs Durant Sweetapple vs Blanchard Clarke vs Robertson Dykerman vs Matthews
Saturday2:00 PM Groves vs Beck MacKinnon vs Taylor Currie vs Craswell Kneabone vs Neima
Saturday3:30 PM Blanchard vs Biagé Dykerman vs Durant Dunn vs Kennedy Cronin vs LeBlanc
Saturday4:30 PM Rolfe vs Neima Fowler vs Beck Kneabone vs Glydon Chowan vs Currie
Saturday5:30 PM Clarke vs Craswell Matthews vs Groves MacKinnon vs Sweetapple Robertson vs Taylor
Saturday6:30 PM BANQUET & PRIZES


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