Site icon Cornwall Curling Club

Notice of Proposed Bylaw Amendment (for AGM)

It is proposed to make the following amendment to Bylaw 1.2.2 in order to clarify the expectations of conduct of club members and provide a complaint and resolution process. This will require Members’ approval at the Annual General Meeting on May 11.

By-Law 1.2.2 would be changed from:

1.2.2 Members shall conform to the by-laws and regulations of the Club and shall conduct themselves in a decorous manner at all times.


1.2.2 Members shall conform to the by-laws and regulations of the Club and shall conduct themselves in a decorous manner while in the club, on club grounds or at club events. Inappropriate behavior shall not be tolerated. Examples of inappropriate behavior include, but are not limited to; use of profanity, not respecting personal space, any harassing comments on body shape, race, religion or curling skill.


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