Provincial Ch’ships entry Deadline reminders – Masters (here at Cornwall) entries due today (Dec. 26)


Curlers are reminded of the following upcoming provincial curling championship entry deadlines. Entries to-date may be viewed at the respective event websites.

The Provincial Masters Men’s and Women’s Curling Championships for curlers age 60 and over will be held here at the Cornwall Curling Club January 16-20, 2015. The registration fee is $180/team. The deadline to register is December 26, 2014 (TODAY). Event website:

The Kruger Products-sponsored Scotties Provincial Women’s championship and the Future Scotties U21 women’s developmental event will be held at the Silver Fox Curling & Yacht Club January 23-27, 2015. The registration fee is $180/team plus a $35 competitor card fee per player per season, and an $80/team fee for the Future Scotties.  The deadline to register is January 2, 2015. Event website

The PEI Tankard Provincial Men’s Championship and the Future Tankard U21 men’s developmental event will be held at the Western Community Curling Club in Alberton and the Maple Leaf Curling Club in O’Leary  February 6-10, 2015. The registration fee is $180/team plus $35 competitor card fee/player for the Tankard, and $80 for the Future Tankard. The deadline to register is January 16, 2015. Event website:

The Provincial Stick Championship will be held at the Maple Leaf Curling Club February 10-12, 2015. The registration fee is $60 per 2 person team. The deadline to register is January 20, 2015. Website:

The PEI Credit Unions Provincial Senior Men’s and Women’s Curling Championships will be held at the Montague Curling Club February 20-24, 2015. The registration fee is $180/team plus $35competitor card/player/season. The deadline to register is January 30, 2015. Event website:

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