This is a reminder that orientation for our new on and off-ice operational plan will start on Sunday, October 18th.
Evening curlers’ orientation will take place during regular evening draw times.
Watch for the draw schedules and plan to attend!!
There will be a 30 to 60 minute orientation session to start, and then curlers can throw some rocks and have a 4 or 6-end “exhibition” game to practice the new guidelines.
Daytime curlers can attend drop-in sessions Monday the 19th to Friday the 23rd at 10 am (regular curling) or 12:30 pm (stick curling) for the orientation sessions. Bring your equipment so you can practice and play a demo game after the session.
Feel free to practice a “social” after the sessions, too!
The bar will be open and we will be following all of our new clubhouse guidelines!
Regular evening league play will begin the week of October 25th.
Skips please pay special attention to the new guidelines so you can guide your team through them to start the season safely and successfully!