Reminder: Remainder of leagues (except one) start this week. Please ensure you bring ID, proof of vax, and have registered and paid before hitting the ice

Curlers are reminded that the remainder of our leagues (with the exception of the Wednesday Daytime league which is planned to begin the first week of November) begin this week. Any curlers not registered should reach out to the Club and do so before their league starts.

All curlers are required to bring proof of full (two) vaccination and government-issued photo ID. We do not have the ability to grant access to our club without such~ as mandated by the CPHO in order to protect our curlers from the current worldwide pandemic and related public health concerns.

Curlers should have paid, either in full or part, their membership before proceeding onto the ice. So if you have not yet done so, please arrive early in order to do so… as to not delay your game.

Also, remember that if for some reason you are unable to curl on a given night, it is you/your team’s responsibility to get a spare. This is one of the most important responsibilities of a Club member, as it spoils everyone’s night if a game is forfeited because of too few players. Those who can spare are encouraged to add their name and phone number to the sheets on the Bulletin Board for the applicable draw nights that they are usually available.

Signup sheets will be posted for curlers to sign up to spare on various league nights. Once the sheets have been circulated among all leagues ~ a conclusive list will be posted on each league bulletin board. We suggest taking a photo of the spare list with your phone so you have it on hand at all times (or ask for a hard copy at the bar).


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