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Sunday evening ice rentals available

The Cornwall Curling Club has ice rentals available on most Sunday evenings, anytime after 6 pm, from now until the end of the season.. Rental cost is $63.00 + HST for one ice sheet (if you have eight persons, that less than $8  plus tax each), or $153.00 for all 4 sheets, for a 2 hour period. We like to point out that, with a group, it’s cheaper than bowling, or a night at the movies! We provide renters with curling brushes, and sliders – just bring clean sneakers, and wear stretchy or loose pants. We can also provide basic curling instruction, and bar services are available, too!

At least two sheets have to be booked on a given Sunday evening to make it worth our while to open. If you only need one sheet, someone else may be looking for a single sheet, too, so get in touch.

Get your friends or co-workers together and give us a call at 566-4427 or email

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