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Asham Curling Helmets providing peace of mind to age 55+ curlers (and maybe improving their game, too!)


Curling is a lifetime sport and our 55+ curlers are proving that every day by making incredible draws and takeouts at every session here at the Cornwall Curling Club!!

We want to send a BIG thank you to Asham Curling for supporting a club initiative to offer curlers an opportunity to enhance on-ice safety~ by being able to provide a great offer on some pretty awesome helmets!!

These ASHAM helmets are solidly built, athletic, fashion-friendly, and easy to fit.

More importantly, many curlers have commented on how the helmets have provided peace of mind… on how they feel more relaxed and can enjoy the game…and concentrate on their shots, as they don’t have to worry about how a fall might hurt their heads. 
(In some cases accounting their improved games to their new helmets!)

During these unusual times, you can find challenges at every corner. Anytime we can work with those who offer support and find a way to work cooperatively towards our goals of providing a safe place for the physical and mental health benefits of this game and our community … we are grateful.

Thank you Asham Curling for your immediate willingness to partner with our club in being able to provide 20 curlers with these great helmets to protect their heads!
Thank you for supporting our club, our curlers, our community, and the game!

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