Site icon Cornwall Curling Club

Club closed, curling cancelled for the remainder of Tuesday Feb. 16 due to weather

Hello Tuesday Late Afternoon and Evening Curlers…
Making decisions about challenging weather and whether our programs will move forward
is always a difficult decision.

However, we must consider all of the following factors:
– Visibility
– Road conditions
– Snowfall and snow removal
– Expected/ forecasted weather
– What decisions other community businesses are making in regards to closures.

Currently, there are reports that road conditions are slippery.

Given this challenge, along with the expectation that road conditions will worsen with ice rain and rain (and that driving home in the dark later this evening will provide further challenges), we have decided to close for the remainder of the afternoon and evening.

This includes Junior Practice, Novice Curling, and Tuesday Evening Competitive League.
This decision was made by our Club Manager in discussion with staff and the evening Drawmaster. It was made by taking into consideration the safety of our membership and our staff.

Junior Practice Teams can contact the Club Manager to arrange a time to practice later in the week.

The Tuesday Evening Competitive League draw scheduled for this evening will now be played on March 23rd.

On the subject of road and sidewalk conditions, our partners in recreation and friends at the Town of Cornwall have advised the following:

“Please advise your members that salt or sand is not effective in freezing rain conditions and to be extremely cautious when walking on any surface. “

Please be safe and stay warm.

The Cornwall Curling Club

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