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Cornwall Curling Club statement on COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

With recent announcements surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak, the Cornwall Curling Club is issuing the following statement to address any concerns that our members or the general public may have relating to the virus and our club’s action plan.

As a club we generally promote practices that would protect our members, staff, volunteers, and guests from any sort of contagious infection, however, we do acknowledge the elevated sensitivity to the most recent announcements surrounding COVID-19.

First and foremost, the club will be increasing our promotion of regular and proper handwashing within the facilities and in general. Hand washing is the most effective way of mitigating the spread of any contagious virus. This includes washing hands before and after being on the ice, and washing hands according to recommendations from Health Canada (under warm soapy water for 20 to 30 seconds.) We encourage our members to be understanding of those curlers opting out of traditional pre-game and post-game handshakes in favour of elbow taps, fist bumps, or a friendly nod and a “good game”. We will ask that members/users consider this practice as well. We also ask that all curlers are diligent when coughing and sneezing by moving away from others, and doing so into a Kleenex or arm sleeve, and then washing hands directly after..

We expect that curlers who are ill (or think they may be ill) to stay home and utilize the league’s spare list.

Extra sanitizer stations have been installed at the entrance of the building. Because there is a worldwide shortage of sanitizing products (and wipes) we cannot guarantee these will be filled. Our custodial team will be taking extra steps in cleaning of the facility with sanitizing agents, but we encourage members and guests to take personal responsibility for prevention and spread. We will increase the cleaning schedule of our curling rocks, however we highly advise personal diligence.

If you or someone you’ve been in contact with has recently been to a high-risk area please take the necessary self-isolation measures to limit the spread of the virus. If you develop symptoms, seek immediate medical attention.

For more information about COVID-19 and how you can protect yourself and prevent the spread of the virus, please visit the Government of Canada’s webpage on the virus at




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