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Curling Day in Canada message from Curling Canada to Curling Clubs and Curlers


Curling Day in Canada is on February 20. Share your story for the chance to win an all-expenses-paid weekend trip to  & share your curling club’s story for the chance to win a visit from the Brier Tankard! 

Curling Club Entries

For curling rink ‘entries’, submit photos of your front entrance with the rink’s name, photos of your warm area (lounge) and the ice area (preferably with people in the images).  Then submit interesting in-house stories; for example: multiple generations of the same family curling; unique programming (such as glow in the dark); or any other neat things at your club. That might include outdoor curling, special curling days, funky warm areas, great volunteers, good eats, or any other innovation!

Send in your photos/videos by January 24, 2020. We will be selecting the club with the most interesting submission to host the legendary and iconic Brier Tankard Trophy on February 22 for the day. And, you can bet that trophy will be accompanied by at least one former Brier champion!


Individual Curler Entries

This is for all Canadian curlers!  Whether you’ve played all your life or you’ve played just once, if you have something neat or cool to share, we want to see it. Submit the images (photos or video) of you and/or your friends relating to curling. It can be outdoor curling on a river/lake/ backyard; or, it could be a fun bonspiel theme you’ve participated in. We’d love to hear about any of your curling adventures or aspirations—use your imagination!

Send in your photos/video and stories by 4 pm AT on February 22, 2020. Each submission will earn the person sharing their story one (1) ballot to win an all-expenses-paid closing weekend trip for four (4) people to the 2021 Tim Hortons Brier!  (The prize will include transportation, two double occupancy hotel rooms for four nights, tickets for all games on the final four days and Brier clothing.)


Enter either contest at

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