Site icon Cornwall Curling Club

Ice for rent!

We have curling ice (all 4 sheets) available for rent at the following dates and times:

Nov 21    Saturday evening
Dec 11    Friday afternoon and evening
Dec 12    Saturday all day and evening
Dec 18    Friday evening
Dec 19    Saturday afternoon

If you are looking for a single sheet, in addition to these times, we also have spots available on Sunday, and on some weeknights.

Our rates are $60 per game for a single sheet rental, or $150 per game for all four sheets. Contact Bev, our manager at 566-4427 or if you are interested, or would like prices for other sheet and game quantities. You can also rent our off-ice lounge and kitchen facilities, arrange food with us, or bring in your own, etc. 

Why not do something different at work this year, and arrange a curling bonspiel for your Christmas party?

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