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Island Stick Curling Tour report from the wild west!

Stick Curling
Since many of you in the central/eastern end of the province are snowbound, I thought I would send you the results of our little bonspiel yesterday.
Hope you all have power! Our precipitation was mostly in the form of rain.
The Cornwall Curling Club team of Ruth Stavert and Mary Plamondon ran away with first place, capturing 32 of a possible 34 points! I guess if we had been alert, we could have sent your winnings home with you, Mary and Ruth–there was no catching you!
Meanwhile, the Hometown Hogans–Victor and Dianne–accumulated an impressive 27 points to take second place honors.
It was a saw-off for third between Walter Callaghan and his partner Eddie Bernard vs.the Cornwall foursome of  Sterling Stratton and Barry Craswell. Don’t spend your winnings all at once fellows!
Thanks to all the curlers and we hope to see you all again soon,
– Bill Glydon
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