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Masters Plus Bonspiel set to go here at Cornwall: Draw, schedule, rosters, sponsors


The 4th annual Masters Plus Bonspiel gets underway Thursday morning here at the Cornwall Curling Club. Masters Plus teams have three curlers age 60 and over, and one curler who is at least 55. 16 teams from around the Maritimes are taking part.

Team Skips

  1. Paul Arsenault  (Cornwall)         9. Judy Burgess (Truro)
  2. Shirley Berry    (Cornwall)        10. Monique Taylor (Sackville/Curl Moncton)
  3. Bryan Sutherland   (Cornwall)   11. Leona Williams  (Highlander in Antigonish)
  4. Barry Craswell   (Cornwall)       12. Paul Embrett (CFB Halifax)
  5. Louis Walsh (Sil. Fox)                13. Des Arsenault (Sil. Fox)
  6. Ray Biagé  (Cornwall)                14.  Keith Bowser (Sackville)
  7. Tom Dunn    (Cornwall)              15. Helen Dickie (Sackville)
  8. Bob Smith   (Montague)             16. Paul Durant (Cornwall)    


Draw (Thursday – November 17th)                                                                                                                                                                                    

              Time                    Ice 1                    Ice 2                    Ice 3                    Ice 4

              8:30                     1×2                      3×4                      5×6                      7×8

              11:00                   9×10                    11×12                  13×14                  15×16

              1:30                     4×5                      2×7                      1×8                      3×6

              4:00                     12×13                  10×15                  9×16                    11×14


Draw (Friday –November 18th)

              8:30                     4×12                    1×9                      2×10                    3×11

              11:00                   6×14                    5×13                    7×15                    8×16

              1:30                     3×9                      1×12                    2×11                    4×10

              4:00                     5×16                    6×15                    8×14                    7×13


There will be practice before the 8:30 and 11:00 games on Thursday only. Practice times are 8:10, 8:20, 10:40, and 10:50. If time permits each player will throw 1 rock down and 1 rock back.  The hammer is determined by toss of a coin. Rock colors are assigned.           

We would like to acknowledge and thank the following sponsors for their generous support: Holland College, Sherwood BMR, Fair Isle Ford, Super 8 Motel, Cornwall Quick Stop, Mr. Plumber, Honibe – Island Abbey Foods, Kenmac Energy, Cornwall Tire and Auto, Garden Isle Computer, Kent Building Supplies, Beaton’s Wholesale Dry Goods Ltd., Capital Honda, Experience  Hyundai, Rhonda’s Country Cuts, Hillside Motors, Reliable Motors, Peter McNeill Automotive, All Star Cresting, Wine Kitz, Centennial Nissan, Mary’s Cornwall Bakery, Ch’town Toyota, Markan Hardwood Plus Inc., Eagles Glenn Golf, Cows Ice Cream, Murphy’s Cornwall Pharmacy, Pharmasave Cornwall, Matos Winery, Water N Wine, Wine Experts, Ideal Tiles & Bathroom, DP Murphy Tim Hortons/Wendy’s, Leary’s  Independent Grocers, Browns Volkswagen, Biovectra Inc., Phytocultures Ltd., and Kays Wholesale.

We ask all curlers to please support our sponsors.

If a spare is needed, please check with one of the following: Ed Coffin, Ron Giggey, Ken Praught or Paul Arsenault

Masters Plus Bonspiel – Team Rosters

Cornwall                                                        Summerside

Skip – Bryan Sutherland                             Skip – Des Arsenault

Third – Myrna  Craswell                            Third – Blair Jay

Second – Myrna Sanderson                       Second – Cliff Poirier

Lead – Elaine Hughes                                  Lead – Earl MacLeod


Montague                                                     Cornwall

Skip – Bob Smith                                          Skip – Tom Dunn

Third – Ron Garrett                                     Third – Frank Weiler

Second – Alan Montgomery                      Second – Don Weeks

Lead – Paul MacDonald                             Lead – Russel Boyle


Cornwall                                                        Summerside

Skip – Barry Craswell                                  Skip –  Lou Walsh

Third – Roddie MacLean                             Third –Carl Delaney

Second – Jim Orr                                         Second – Ralph Yeo

Lead – Roger DesRoches                              Lead – Spike Martin


Moncton – Sackville                                    Antigonish

Skip – Monique Taylor                               Skip – Leona Williams

Third – Anna Acton                                     Third – Joyce Van Berkel

Second – Shirley Henry                              Second – Paulette Tate

Lead – Gloria Turner                                    Lead – Cathy MacDonald


Sackville                                                         CFB Halifax

Skip – Helen Dickie                                      Skip – Paul Embrett

Third – Sheila Reyno                                   Third – Lenny Jackson

Second – Sharon MacIntyre                      Second – Art Hood

Lead –   Judi McLellan                                  Lead – Norman Sanford


Cornwall                                                        Truro

Skip – Shirley Berry                                      Skip – Judy Burgess

Third – Arleen Harris                                   Third – Helen Brightman

Second – Linda Fairhurst                            Second – Carolyn Kavanagh

Lead – Hanny MacLeod                              Lead – Penny Neily


Cornwall                                                        Sackville

Skip – Ray Biagé                                        Skip – Keith Bowser

Third – Vince Fisher                                    Third – George Anderson

Second –Kimball Blanchard                       Second – Bud Trenholm

Lead –   George Younker                            Lead – Gerry Bartlett


Cornwall                                                        Cornwall

Skip – Paul Arsenault                                 Skip –  Paul Durant

Third – Ron Giggey                                      Third – Myron MacKay

Second – Ken Praught                                 Second – Roy Coffin

Lead – Ed Coffin                                          Lead – Joe Gill

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