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Cornwall Mixed Doubles Cashspiel Results (pictures added)

The 4th Annual Mixed Doubles Cashspiel was held this Saturday, Nov. 5 at the Cornwall Curling Club, with a full slate of 16 teams participating in a 4 pool round robin format. Great curling, great food, and great fun was enjoyed by all!

The winners of each of the four pools were:

Kim Glydon and Alan Acorn – Overall Champs with the most points.


Photo: Kim Glydon. Missing: Alan Acorn

Myrna Sanderson and Angus Kennedy

Janette Fraser and Paul Field

Melissa and Chris Creighton

Winners of the crokinole tournament played in between draws were Paul and Joanne Durant.

Special thanks to Myrna Sanderson and Lisa MacEachern for organizing the event and everyone who helped out.

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