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Murphy’s Ice Queen’s Women’s Funspiel wrapup


Murphy’s Ice Queens Funspiel was held November 25th & 26, with 12 teams participating. We had one guest team from Souris and the rest of the teams were from our own club.

Matos Winery donated a beautiful basket with a bottle of chardonnay, balsamic vinegar, and some other goodies. Tickets were sold for this and we did the same as last year with a flip on “Chase the Ace” we chased the “Queen of Diamonds”’, with the lucky winner being Carol Sweetapple!!

 A round-robin style schedule was used with each team playing 3 six-end games over the weekend. This lead up to an exciting finish with a tie in points between the Sweetapple and the Rhodenhizer teams. The tie was broken with a count of overall game points scored in all three games, leading to the 1st place victory for the Rhodenhizer team consisting of Debbie Rhodenhizer, Cindy Nicholson, Christine Richardson and Diana MacKay. These ladies were presented with our new Murphy’s Ice Queens Trophy and gift cards from our sponsor Murphy’s Pharmacies. Second place gift cards were awarded to the Sweetapple team consisting of Carol Sweetapple, Carolyn Crockett, Pam Sweetapple and Rebecca Rolfe. The funspiel showed its true colors by awarding the last place team with the lowest points gift cards too. Recipients of this award went to Carlene Peters, Marg Stewart, Janice Murdoch and Helen Smith. This was a fun twist that was graciously accepted by all, showing that its not always about winning!

 The ladies were treated to a closing banquet catered by Alan Carmichael who prepared a lovely roast beef dinner with all the fixings. This was served to the ladies by club members Alan Mason, Angus Davies, Brent Irving, Dean MacEachern and Wade Deaken,  who all did a super job!

 This event could not have been so successful without the generosity of our new sponsor Murphy’s Pharmacies, and a special thank you to Heather MacLean who let the ladies experience the Body Composition Analyzer — a great addition to the weekend. A big thank you to all those who helped out  by providing food, volunteering in the kitchen, setting up, cleaning up, and doing many other jobs. As usual, a job well-done by all!!! 

Events at our club would not be so successful without the continued support of Bev our Club Manager, Lance the Iceman, Ray our Custodian , and our bartenders who for this spiel were Kelly and Debby.

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