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Notice of Special General Meeting to vote on proposed Bylaw amendment

This is official notification that a Special General Meeting to review a proposed amendment to bylaw 2.4.8  will be held on  Tuesday, December 4, 2018 at 8:30 pm (between the early and late draws).

The meeting will be short, and Club members wishing to vote are requested to read the proposed changes (below) in advance, in order to reduce the meeting time. Please feel free to contact any current Board member in advance if you have questions or require further information. Amendment requires an affirmative vote by two-thirds (2/3) of the adult members present at any general meeting of the Club.


It is proposed to make the following amendment to Bylaw 2.4.8 in order to rename and clarify the responsibilities of the position. This will require Members’ approval at a Special General Meeting.

It is proposed that By-Law 2.4.8 would be changed from:

2.4.8 The Youth Committee
(a) Shall organize, plan and implement the Junior program.


2.4.8 Development Director
(a) shall focus on all training and mentoring programs, such as, but not limited to, Junior Curling, Adult Learn to Curl, Senior Learn to Curl, Curling Etiquette and any additional in-Club programs we choose to develop.



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