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Reminder: AGM is this evening (Friday May 26)

agm-logoThis is a final reminder that the Cornwall Curling Club’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) takes place this evening, Friday May 26, at the Club, with reception at 6:30 pm and the meeting starting at 7:00 pm. The bar will be open, and the debit/credit card machine will be operation. All Club members are encouraged to attend. A quorum of at least fifteen adult members who are not current Directors is required.

To save time, members are encouraged to read last year’s draft AGM minutes (below) in advance of the meeting. These minutes are to be approved at this year’s AGM.

Cornwall_Curling_AGM_Minutes_2015-2016 (PDF, 2.4 mb)

As specified in our by-laws, the meeting will include:

Proposed bylaws Motion to Amend

The Board of Directors will be forwarding a motion to be voted on at the AGM to amend the bylaws to change the term of directors from two years back to three. 


As per the current bylaws the affairs of the Cornwall Curling Club are conducted by a volunteer Board of Directors comprised of 12 club members.

In October 2014, at a special general meeting, a members vote was passed on a motion to amend the term of board members from three to two years effective for board members starting at the spring 2015 Annual General Meeting (AGM).  The motion also allowed for the serving of two consecutive two-year terms subject to election at the AGM.

The main arguments presented in favor of the motion were:

The main arguments presented against the motion were:       

After discussions at several board meetings the current board (2016/2017) decided at the March 19, 2017 board meeting to put forward a motion at the 2017 AGM to revert to the previous bylaws of board members serving three-year terms applicable to Board members starting their term at the 2017 AGM.

The arguments in favor of the motion are:


The arguments against the motion are:


 The Motion:

To amend the current term of board members from two to three years.

If the motion is passed by 2/3 of the Adult Members at the 2017 AGM the following bylaws will be amended as indicated:

Current bylaws:

2.1.6    Each Director shall be elected for a term of two (2) years ending at the second annual meeting after the Directors election. [Rev. Oct2014]

2.1.8    No Director shall be eligible for election to more than two consecutive terms. [Rev. Oct2014]

2.1.11  Any Director may be removed before the expiration of the Director’s two-year term by an affirmative majority vote of the Directors present at any regular meeting of the Board or at a special meeting duly convened for that purpose.  Another person may be elected by simple majority vote to hold office for the unexpired portion of the two-year term of the Director so removed. [Rev. Oct 2014]

Amended to:

2.1.6    Each Director shall be elected for a term of three (3) years ending at the third annual meeting after the Directors election. [Rev. Oct2017]

2.1.8    No director shall be eligible for election to consecutive terms.[Rev. Oct2017]

2.1.11  Any Director may be removed before the expiration of the Director’s term by an affirmative majority vote of the Directors present at any regular meeting of the Board or at a special meeting duly convened for that purpose.  Another person may be elected by simple majority vote to hold office for the unexpired portion of the term of the Director so removed. [Rev. Oct 2017]

All current members are welcome to discuss this with current Board members in advance of the AGM if you have questions or require further clarification.


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