Site icon Cornwall Curling Club

Reminder to volunteers: Road Builders dinner this evening (Thurs.)!

Tonight (June 4) is the night! The Cornwall Curling Club have again, with the help of our great volunteers, agreed to prepare and serve a lobster (with steak option) dinner for the PEI Road Builders and Heavy Construction Association. They have a reception at 6:30, and dinner at 7:30 pm, at the Club and the upstairs area. If you forgot to sign up, free free to come out anyway – we can always use more help. We use the profits from this event to help out the Club.

Based on last year’s event, the greatest need is for servers of the meal. Unlike the winter event we also host for themm, this is a sit-down meal, with the food brought to the tables (along with extra food later, if they want).

We estimate that we need volunteers for the following:

Cutting and preparing previously-cooked lobster (downstairs) at 1:30 pm:

Food prep (downstairs) at 3 pm:

Food prep (upstairs) at 4 pm:

Setting up upstairs tables and place settings (upstairs) at 4 pm.

Working the barbecues (6:30 pm)

Serving the tables, cleanup – 7 pm (meal starts at 7:30 pm)

Teardown and cleanup – following the meal.

Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated!

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