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Spend a Loonie and you could win a (very) cool $50 bill!

If you’ve been on the ice this season, you’ve undoubtedly noticed the four $50 bills frozen into the ice, one behind each home end hack (we’ve had to hide our ice picks, due to the conversations we’ve overheard about removing them!).

As many of you have figured out, we’re giving them away as prizes at the end of the season, after the ice melts. Draw date will be April 2, during our Closing Spiel. This giveaway is open to everyone, members and non-members alike. To enter, you just have to print your name and phone number on a round sticky label, which you can find at the bar near the glass jar with the big fifty dollar bills on it, attach the label to a Loonie, and drop the labelled Loonie into the jar.

If we draw your Loonie out, you’ll win a nifty fifty.  We won’t be putting the Loonie back into the jar for the subsequent draws, so you’ll have to have at least four “Canuck bucks” there (and be VERY lucky!) in order to win all the fifties. Enter often to increase your chances of winning one or more $50 bills!

Thanks to Jim Orr for suggesting this contest, which he saw at another club, and was very successful for them.


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