Site icon Cornwall Curling Club

Spud Isle Jr. Camp to be held here this month

Note: Gayle Johnston will be at the Club this (Wed.) evening during registration (6:30-8:30) to answer questions on this camp.

Spud Isle Junior Camp
Skills Development & High Performance
29-30 October 2016

On 29-30 October 2016 a Junior Skills Development for junior girl’s and boy’s teams and individuals for novice to intermediate level curlers will be held at the Cornwall Curling Club
Please Note: This camp will focus on the novice to intermediate Junior teams/individuals who have at least 1 year experience, primarily 10-15 years of age with the main focus on Skill Development.

CAMP LOCATION: Cornwall Curling Club
Saturday, 29 October 9:00 a.m. – 9:30 am Check in, Welcome & Camp Overview
9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Camp – on ice & classroom sessions
Sunday, 30 October 9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Camp – on ice & classroom sessions

The cost is $120.00 per team including coach or $30.00 per individual – Space will be limited to approximately 32 juniors and selection will be on a first come first paid basis. Morning & afternoon nutrition breaks & lunch will be provided by the Camp each day.


Cheque (payable to Spud Isle Junior Curling Camp) & registration form must be received by no later than
Friday 14 October 2016. (Cheques may be post dated to 14 Oct.) This will allow the organizers time to fine tune the camp and make it relevant to the attendees. Thank you for your cooperation.

On-Ice topics may include:
• Technical drills (balance, timing, line of delivery, grip, release, rotation, team consistency)
• Sweeping and judging weight
• Skills Testing
• Weight control (draws and big weight), angles, situational play, rock placement
• Pre-shot routines
• Communications
• Shot selection (defensive vs. offensive), ice reading
•Video Analysis
Off-Ice topics may include:
• Technical Review,
• Rules update & etiquette (Coaches & Parents encouraged to attend)
• Season Planning and Goal Setting, (Coaches & Parents encouraged to attend)
• Team Dynamics, Training and Practice,
• Fitness
• Strategy/Tactics/Game Plan/End Plan,
• Mental Toughness,
• Physical Prep/Nutrition,

Camp Instructors: Several well certified Provincial Instructors/Facilitators will be on staff for various sessions. A full camp agenda/schedule will be emailed to all interested persons by October 17th

Mail camp registration form & cheque to: Gayle Johnston
46 Kirkdale Rd, Box 3 Site 10
Charlottetown, PEI C1E 1N6
For further information please contact Gayle Johnston at (902) 368-1071 or email

Click links to download:

Flyer and Registration form (PDF)

Flyer and Registration Form (Word)

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