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Ted MacFadyen rink wins 3rd Annual Masters Plus bonspiel


The Ted MacFadyen rink from the Silver Fox Curling and Yacht Club in Summerside won Cornwall’s 3rd Masters Plus Bonspiel, which wrapped up this afternoon. The Barry Craswell team from Cornwall is runner up.

There were 16 teams entered representing 9 curling clubs from N.S., N.B., and P.E.I. A point system was used to determine the final standings. Following is the list of the top five teams:

Curling Club             Skip                Third                          Second                         Lead

Summerside Ted MacFadyen Lou Nowlan   Earle Proude             Alan Montgomery

Cornwall       Barry Craswell        Roddie MacLean      Jim Orr            Paul Field

Cornwall       Ray Biagé             Tom Dunn   Robert Thibodeau Edmond Richard

Truro             Judy Burgess            Helen Brightman    Carolyn Kavanagh Penny Neily

Cornwall       Shirley Berry            Arleen Harris   Linda Fairhurst               Rosemary Scott


The host committee of Ed Coffin, Roy Coffin, Ron Giggey , Lew Black and Paul Arsenault want to extend a special thank you to Bev McCormick, Lance Lowther, and the fabulous staff of the Cornwall Curling Club. Also, a huge thank you to the superb volunteers who helped with the bonspiel which included advertising, scoring, making coffee, lunches etc.

Thank you again to all the sponsors who supported this bonspiel by donating prizes.

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