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Thanks to our volunteers, the Road Builders dinner was a big success!

The Cornwall Curling Club is fortunate to have many volunteers, who are willing to help out whenever we put on a big event. For the second year in a row, those volunteers came out in force for our catering of the PEI Road Builders and Heavy Construction Association’s annual lobster and steak dinner. This year’s event went like clockwork, and everything was ready and served in jig time. This event is a great fundraiser for our Club.

Photo: Lobsters on the plate ready to be served

Thanks to Barry Craswell for taking on overall management of the event, to our lobster cutters, including Joe MacKinnon, Bryan Sutherland, Ray Biagé, Roy Coffin,  to our barbecue crew, including Derek MacEwen, Paul Field, Grant Crockett, to our setup crew, including Ken Praught, Kimball Blanchard, Frank Martin, and Lew Black, to our food prep and serving crew, headed up by Carlene Peters, and including Helen Smith, Carol Sweetapple, Myrna Craswell, Myrna Sanderson, Carolyn Crockett, Elaine Hughes, Bertha Praught, Ruth Stavert, Darlene Howlett, Hélène LaPalme, Bernie Field, Cathy MacDougall, Arleen Harris, Jessie MacPhail, Pat McCardle, Paula Ling, Phyllis Cole, Val MacLean and her friends Valerie and Marina. Note that there was also lots of overlap, with people stepping up to do more than one of these tasks. Thanks also to Bev McCormick and Al MacCormac, who kept the bar lines short, and helped us find everything, too!

A special welcome to the Praughts, who have recently moved to Cornwall from Summerside.  Ken is planning to be a member in the fall.

By all reports, the Road Builders were very pleased with the event!

Next up: our annual Golf Tourney on the 20th!

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