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The Cornwall Curling Club is looking for an assistant icemaker

Our icemaker for many years, Lance Lowther, is, understandably, getting tired of 7 day work weeks during the curling season, and would like some help starting in the fall. He currently has a number of people who provide assistance as needed, but we are seeking someone who would like to take on some of the icemaker duties, under his tutelage, and might be interested in taking on the job full time if required in the future. Experience is always an asset, but is not required. We would prefer someone who lives near the Club, as some of the work is done early in the morning when the roads may not be optimal, and work may require several trips to the Club each day to prepare the ice between draws. Hours and salary to be determined, based on experience, qualifications, and requirements, but would likely be a couple of days a week to start. This is NOT a 9-5 job. Icemaking work goes seven days a week during the curling season, depending on events scheduled, and can be very demanding during provincial, regional, and national championships that may be hosted from time to time. The work can at times be physically demanding, involving lugging hoses, carrying water in a back pack, etc. Work begins each year in early October, and wraps up in early April.

If you think you may be interested in this challenge, or would like more info, get in touch with Club President Frank Martin, at (home) 628-1920, (work) 368-4130 or email

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