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Volunteers will be needed in Feb. and March for PEI Seniors, Maritime Masters ch’ships (mark your calendars)

We will be needing lots of help (including a chairperson for the Masters) as we host the Provincial Seniors (age 50+) Championships from Feb. 14-18, and the Maritime Masters (age 60+) Championships from March 12th to 14th, and would appreciate if you could mark of some time on your calendars, and come out and give us a hand during these events! We will have signup sheets posted in the near future. We will need timers for both events, as well as sandwich makers, 50/50 ticket sellers, photographers, set-up and tear-down volunteers, and score updaters for both events, too.

Volunteers help make our events a success, and volunteering is a great way to meet people and have fun, too!


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