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AGM caps off another great season at our Club

 The Cornwall Curling Club held its Annual General Meeting on Friday evening, with a good crowd on hand, thanks, in part, to the cool weather. Here are some of the highlights:

Each committee chair, and President Alan Mason gave their reports, outlining a very successful season, with membership holding steady at around 300 members, good attendance at bonspiels, and new sponsors on board for bonspiels and draws (we do need two new ice-house sign sponsors if anyone knows of any potential candidates). The Club is in great financial shape with about $16,000 cash in the bank, an equal amount in inventory, and $45,000 in assets. A drop in revenues from bar, food and 50/50 sales, and increases in electricity costs and wages and benefits (cost of living raises plus a mandated Minimum Wage increase) resulted in a net loss of $4,200 for the season, which was covered by surplus revenues from recent years. Next season’s Board will look at ways to increase revenue to ensure ongoing profitability. 


Also during the current season, policies were developed to handle financial support requests to teams competing in regional and national championships, and to provide opportunities for Junior teams, with all players age 13 and over, to curl in Tuesday or Wednesday evening draws, should vacancies exist, while maintaining the social aspect for adult curlers as much as possible.

Several parents and the coach of a team with players under age 13 were in attendance, and expressed the wish that their team could participate as well, particularly with Canada Games coming up, but President Mason said that the decisions were made following lengthy discussions, plus close consultation with Curling Canada, and it was felt that the only practical way to make that happen would be to have a separate evening league just for juniors.

Bonspiels were again quite successful this year, although attendance at the three Drop In curling nights was low.

A bylaw change was approved, which will change back the term of Board of Directors members to three years from two. A second change, that “No director shall be eligible for election to consecutive terms.” was withdrawn following discussion, and will remain as currently written: “No Director shall be eligible for election to more than two consecutive terms”.

Brenda MacMillan, who has had several very successful years as Junior Coordinator, has announced that she is stepping down, and Rob Roberts was hired (it’s an honorarium) through an interest call to take on this position.

New assets purchased during the current year included a replacement stove, with financing shared between a donation from the daytime curlers, and from Club revenues.  Additional coat hooks were installed by the men’s locker room after a request from some members. A large Cornwall Curling Club sign has recently been purchased, which can be used for many things, including as a backdrop for pictures. The great relationship with the Town of Cornwall continues, with the ice house rafters repainted before opening this season.

Five Board of Directors members: Lisa MacEachern, Colleen MacDonald,  Paula Ling, Brent Irving, and daytime curlers rep Jim Orr have fulfilled their terms of office and are leaving the Board, while four new Board members have been acclaimed: Laurie Kelly, Shannon Fenelon, Kellie-Lynn Younker, and daytime rep Bryan Sutherland. The new Board will meet over the summer to appoint the officers for next season.

We will again be catering the PEI Roadbuilders and Heavy Construction Association’s Lobster or Steak dinner, on June 8. Barry Craswell is heading this up again, and is recruiting the volunteers  needed to help cut lobster, barbecue steak, cook potatoes, prepare salads, plate and serve meals, setup and cleanup, etc.

At the AGM, more names were added to the roster for the June 17 Golf Tourney at Countryview, which Gary O’Sullivan is organizing. There are already 44 people signed up. Contact him at or 902-675-2280 to add your name.

Planned startup dates for next year were announced:

Returning members registration night on October 11, daytime curling starting Oct. 16, Saturday morning junior league beginning  Oct. 21, and evening league curling beginning Oct. 23.

Draws will remain as they were this year, with Single Entry Mixed draws Monday and Thursday evenings at 6:30, Commercial  League Monday at 8:30, and Competitive and Ladder team leagues going Tuesday and Wednesday respectively, with draws at 6:30 and 8:30. The successful Adult Learn to Curl program is expected to return, either Thursdays at 8:30, or possibly go Sunday at 6:30 pm instead, with opportunities provided for more both new curlers, and those continuing from last year’s program.

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