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Game on! Evening League Startup is tonight! Also: reminder re spares

This is a friendly reminder that tonight’s the night! All our evening leagues get underway this week.
The Daytime Competitive League will start on November 6th. There is a signup sheet for this league up now at the Club, and players have until Oct. 30 to signup. In the meantime, those who plan to curl in that league can come out and throw rocks during that time period.

Also, remember that if for some reason you are unable to curl on a given night or weekend, it is your responsibility to get a spare. If you cannot find a spare, please phone your skip. This is one of the most important responsibilities of a Club member, as it spoils everyone’s night if a game is forfeited because of too few players. Those who can spare are encouraged to add their name and phone number to the sheets on the Bulletin Board for the applicable draw nights that they are usually available.

The Members section of is a good place to track down phone numbers and email addresses of spares. It currently contains last season’s information, and will be updated with this season’s info when our membership is more or less set for the year.

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