A Return to Play Update from Peter Murdoch, RTP Chair

Note to Members of the Cornwall Curling Club

23 November 2021

As previously published in the “Note to Members” dated 4 October 2021, a majority of the COVID-19 guidelines that were in place at the conclusion of last season remain in place. A quick review of some of our current Chief Public Health Office (CPHO) guidance is provided below for your referral.

The Cornwall Curling Club is a “Proof of Vaccination Facility” and as such the Club is required to verify a person’s proof of vaccination in order to allow entry to the Club. This applies to individuals who are 12 years of age or older.

Excerpts from the PEI CPHO Directive:

Where Proof of Vaccination Is Required

Sporting Events*, and spectators at Youth sporting events

*Does not apply to individuals 18 years old or younger participating in Youth sport (spectators must be vaccinated).

If a sport includes participants under age 19 and over age 19, proof of vaccination is required for all participants.

A couple of welcome changes to Club operations within the past couple of weeks have been the increased occupancy levels within the washrooms and the return to use of the locker rooms. While our allowed cohort size within the Club has been increased, please continue to be respectful of people’s personal space.

Wearing of non-medical masks/face coverings is mandatory in indoor public places; this includes the Cornwall Curling Club. Masks/face coverings may be removed when seated at a table while eating or drinking and once you go to the ice surface. Masks MUST be worn at all other times while seated without food or drink, whenever you are moving around the lounge, washrooms and locker room areas of the Club.

“Are customers required to wear masks when seated in restaurants, liquor licensed establishments and other locations where food and beverages are being served? You are required to wear a mask at all times when in a public place. You do not need to wear a mask when consuming food or a beverage in a public place.” https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/information/health-and-wellness/food-premises-guidance

To add some clarity to on-ice activities:

Rocks: Sanitizing of rock handles prior to commencement of each game continues to be recommended but is not mandatory. Sanitizing wipes are available for use by those who wish to clean the handles of their rocks prior to play.

Scoreboards: One designated person per game shall put up the score for both teams (typically the Mate of the team that scores first). The designated score keeper shall remove the score from the board upon game completion and sanitize the score markers with the provided wipes.

Our overriding focus continues to be the health and safety of you, our valued members. As the CPHO revises their guidelines, the Cornwall Curling Club will also revise our guidelines and Operational Plans. We ask that everyone continue to be patient and respectful of each other as we continue to enjoy this new season.

Peter Murdoch

Cornwall Curling Club

Return to Play Chair

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