The Cornwall Curling Club is a modern 4-sheet facility located in Cornwall, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Although many of our members are from the Cornwall area, we extend a warm welcome to curlers from other communities as well.
Just off Main Street in Cornwall, and off the Cornwall Road exit at the new Trans Canada highway alignment, our central location is very easy to get to. We are 20-25 minutes from Stratford and only 15 minutes from downtown Charlottetown.
Our clubhouse and our ice plant, which includes Jet Ice, were completely replaced for the 2011-12 season, while our rocks were reconditioned in 2015. We have a generator onsite which runs both the ice plant and the clubhouse in the event of a power outage (the building is a designated warming centre), and have access to an air-conditioned banquet facility upstairs.
The Cornwall Curling Club has a program to suit your schedule, ability, and budget. We have single-entry mixed individual entry curling on Monday and Thursday nights. Competitive team curling on Tuesday nights, semi-competitive teams on Wednesday evening, daytime curling Monday through Friday mornings, a daytime league on Wednesdays, and Junior (ages 6-20) curling after school and on Sunday, as well as afternoon stick curling most weekdays. We also host several bonspiels and special events throughout the year.
We pride ourselves on having great ice, and great members who enjoy the social, as well as the recreational aspects of curling (although we have provincial champions, too, and have even won a national title, and one of our recent members was on a World Championship team!). The Cornwall Curling Club opened in February 1982. It is a not-for-profit organization run by a Board of Directors. The facilities are rented from the Town of Cornwall.
Club/Bar Hours and Curling Schedule:
Note: regular Club staff are not always on duty during daytime curling, with the curlers supervising at that time
The Club is normally open for daytime curling on weekday mornings from 10:00am to noon, with staff on duty weekdays from 2:00pm – 11:30pm (closing hours will vary on Friday depending on events). Saturday hours depend on events scheduled. The club is open Sundays starting at 8:30 am until curling is over.
Note: the Club is not open during the summer months, except for special events.
Ice Booking Policy
Open ice can also be booked for use by non-members for a standard rental fee on the same first come first-served basis. Members are encouraged to book early to avoid disappointment and asked to notify the club if a change of plans prevents you from keeping your booking. To book at times when the Club was not planned to be open we need a minimum of two sheets in order to book staff to work. We will endeavor to group bookings as much as possible to handle single-sheet bookings.
Ice and facilities rentals
Book our ice and/or hall facilities for your next office party, family bonspiel, or fun time with friends!
See Rentals page for info and pricing.
Brushes, and Footwear: As in most sports, regular members are expected to use their own equipment, including curling brushes and sliders. Club brushes and sliders are for ice rental and casual curlers only. Outside footwear is not to be used on the ice surface, in order to keep it clean. Clean Sneakers and sliders, or curling shoes are to be worn.
Ice Surface: Curlers are instructed not to put their bare hands on the ice surface or leave their knees on the ice for extended periods when delivering rocks, as this causes “flat spots” in the ice.
Volunteer Duties: Members are encouraged to help out with social and other events, and members of the losing team are expected to clean the ice at the end of each draw. Please contact a Board of Directors member if you can help out in any way, as volunteer participation keeps our membership dues low!
Curling Etiquette and Custom: At the start and end of every game, players shake hands with the members of the opposing team. After the game, the players of the winning team customarily buy a drink for the corresponding player on the opposing team, and both teams sit down at the same table to discuss the game.
Curlers are expected to be on time: Two hours are allotted for each 8 ends of play. If you start late, you are still expected to finish by the originally- allotted time, even if all ends have not been completed. A buzzer will sound when 15 minutes are left. Curlers must finish the end they are playing and leave the ice.
Instruction: Instructors will be giving instruction at various times during the season. Watch the activity board or website, or ask any Board member for more information. As well, we have instructors available who can give private lessons for reasonable rates.
Skips: As experienced curlers and leaders, skips have a responsibility to help new and inexperienced members understand and enjoy the game. They should inform the league drawmaster if there are any team problems, and should help members get spares when needed.
Spares: If for some reason you are unable to curl on a given night or weekend, it is your responsibility to get a spare. If you cannot find a spare, please phone your skip. This is one of the most important responsibilities of a Club member, as it spoils everyone’s night if a game is forfeited because of too few players.