Membership rates for 2011-2012 season

(This information is also available on the Info, About page)
Here are the rates for the 2011-2012 season.  Please note that, unlike many clubs, ALL memberships, including one-draw memberships, give you the
opportunity to play in members-only tournaments (entry fee applies),  compete (entry fees apply) in provincial championships, book practice time  when ice is
available, and spare in any league without additional cost.

Payment terms for adult memberships:  1/2 due on registration and 1/2 due on December 1. A $10.00 service charge applies to payments received after Dec.
1. Youth memberships are due at registration. Memberships may normally be paid with Debit, Visa, Mastercard cheque, or cash. Note that debit and credit may not be
available at initial registration this year, as the registration will take place at the Town Hall.

Registration for returning members takes place on Wed Oct 12 at the Cornwall Town hall starting at 6:30 PM, while registration for new members and juniors takes place the following Wednesday. Oct 19th , also  at the Cornwall Town Hall.

Note that GST (5%) and a $15 Canadian Curling Association/PEICA fee will be added to the following rates.

Adult Memberships:

One Evening Draw per week $185
Two Daytime sessions per week –$185
Adult Unlimited Night only –$285
Adult Unlimited Daytime only –$255
Adult Unlimited (Day and Night)–$305
Couple Unlimited — $530
Full-time Student (19+) Unlimited –$205

Youth Memberships:

Little Rockers (ages 6-7)  $40 for one session (Oct-Dec or Jan-Mar) or $70 for both sessions
Novice (8-12) and Juniors (13-20):  $110
Junior membership plus one evening draw: $205

Other ($15 PEICA/CCA surcharge does not apply):

Social Memberships (attend club functions, curl only in weekend spiels at extra cost)   $35
Non-Members “walk on” fee per draw (pay at bar):
Junior $5, Daytime $7; Nighttime $10 (GST is included in “walk on” rates).
Locker Rentals   $25 per season (may be shared)

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