AGM wraps up very successful season at the Cornwall Curling Club!

The Cornwall Curling Club held its 2020-2021 Annual General Meeting on Thursday evening, reporting a very successful season, despite the Pandemic and two breaks due to provincially-mandated “Circuit Breakers”

Here are the highlights:

President’s Report

President Chris MacDougall reported that despite the pandemic the Club was “able to meet or exceed our expectations” and had a very successful season, aided by the Board of Directors, League Coordinators, as well as Management and Staff, Volunteers, and Club Members, along with the Club’s excellent communication with the Chief Public Health Office.

Looking ahead he reported that the Club will be hosting the U21 (Pepsi Junior) provincials and the Youth Jamboree next season, and will be re-branded to honour World Champion Lauren Lenentine.


Finance chair Jennifer Lenentine reported a very profitable season, with a net income of $28,269, well up from the $2,915 realized the previous season, which was abbreviated in mid-March due to the pandemic. $22,500 in COVID funding to cover extra cleaning and sanitizing, facilities adaptations, etc. was a big help. Increased expenditures included a higher electricity bill, due to a season extension, increased salary payments, and a 30% increase in bank charges, mostly from transaction fees due to increased use of contact-free debit and credit card payments in lieu of cash. On the revenue side, bar sales were up almost 36%, while bonspiel entry fees were up 30%, partly because the closing spiels were able to be held this year and were a big success.

Membership and Draws chair Peter Murdoch reported a Membership of 406, up 32% from 309 the previous season. This doesn’t count rentals including the Commercial League, ParaSport PEI, and a regular Sunday evening group. An extra 3 weeks of draw time – over the Christmas holidays and a two-week season extension compensated for time lost due to the Circuit Breakers.

Lacey Gallant once again reported a very successful  Bonspiel and Social season, including a successful new O’Connor Glass U16 spiel with 16 teams from across the Maritimes participating. The Murphy’s Ice Queens women’s bonspiel was cut back a bit this year due to COVID, but went well, as did regular annual spiels including Masters Plus, Mixed Doubles, and the Cornwall Cup stick event. The Kenmac Energy spiel was limited to 64 players, and went well, as did the Desjardins Financial Security Independent Network stick spiel, the Pickard Financial U13 Funspiel, the ClubChampionships, and our hosting of the Provincial Mixed Doubles and Ferguson-Logan Montague Funeral Home Stick championships. While  some events were cut back the annual Red and Blue event was expanded this year with Daytime, Little Rocks, Novice, and Junior events, as well as the evening Independent Grocer grand finale. 

Debbie Rhodenhizer from the Volunteers committee reported that Volunteers for the provincial championships filled quickly for the Mixed Doubles and the record-turnout 24 team Stick. Debbie also reported on Facilities, mentioning the Plexiglas dividers donated and installed by the O’Connors and O’Connor Glass. Lowther’s Refrigeration install a bar area air exchange system, while Brent Irving removed the scoreboard end carpet, and Etta Reid made new hack covers.

On the Development Programs front, the Club had a productive relationship with Recreation and Parasport PEI, and also help two adult clinics as well as successful Little Rock, Novice, and Junior programs including adapting the U16 development league to the Pandemic restrictions. 

Daytime curling went extremely well, with high ice use, as they welcomed many new curlers, including some from Charlottetown, new PEI residents, and “Snowbirds” who normally are somewhere warmer in the winter. Monies were donated to the Christmas food drive and to assist with a junior curler membership. The Daytime Team League had a full 18 teams, with the Kim Dolan rink winning on the last day of the 17-week schedule.

Amanda MacIntosh reported that the Bylaws were reviewed and are now on the Club website. A proposed Bylaw revision will be suggested in the fall, to add the possibility of extension of a Director’s term a maximum of one year “to fulfill a specific requirement of the Board”.

Peter Murdoch reported that his work with the Return to Play Committee was both satisfying and very challenging, but the members co-operated with the required changes, and the season went very well.

Election of new Board Members

With the terms of Peter and Lacey completed, and Landen Warder returning to Ontario to pursue his veterinarian career, the following new Board members were acclaimed:

Shauna McGill, Kristie Rogers, Nelson Dougay, Robbie Doherty, and Bill McGuire.

The Executive officer roles will be chosen later at a Board of Directors meeting 

New Business

Peter talked about a Board proposal to purchase new pre-printed mesh plastic decals to replace the hand-painted houses. Other clubs, such as the Silver Fox and Montague have used them successfully.  Ads would be sold to pay for them and also generate additional revenue for the Club. 

AGM Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned on schedule at 7:35 pm.

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