Angus Kennedy and Myrna Sanderson duo win annual Mixed Doubles cashspiel

The winning team at this year’s Mixed doubles tournament was team Angus Kennedy and Myrna Sanderson. The event had a full complement of 16 teams again this year.
Myrna Sanderson, Angus Kennedy (photo from last year’s event), showing off their cashspiel winnings
Pool winners were as follows:
Pool A – Danny Kneabone and Carlene Peters
Pool B – Angus Kennedy and Myrna Sanderson
Pool C – Paul and Joanne Durant
Pool C – Chris and Melissa Creighton.
A big thanks to Lance and Danny for the most amazing ice.
Special thanks to Myrna Craswell for the super chili and Joanne Durant and Angela Sanderson for the muffins and loaves for our morning coffee.
Lastly but not least our two servers Paul Field and Bryan Sutherland who not only served but made a great job of cleanup.
– Myrna Sanderson, organizer
Post last modified: Nov 25, 2017 @ 6:51 pm

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