Attention Eastlink email subscribers

logo-eastlinkWe are having an issue with Eastlink email subscribers to our website’s emailing system. Our website posts all show up in our logs as having been sent successfully to Eastlink’s mail server, but they don’t show up in the inboxes of the recipients. We have reported this to Eastlink, and are hopeful that they will fix it in a timely manner.

In the meantime, we have subscribed our 19 Eastlink email subscribers to another mailout system, which uses a different mail server than our regular server, and believe this will work around the problem. Eastlink email subscribers will have received an email with subject “Confirm your subscription for Cornwall Curling Club”. Please click on the “Confirm Follow” link to begin receiving our post emails.

Depending on how this new system works out, and whether or not Eastlink can resolve the problem with the old system, we will decide whether or not to move our other 200 subscribers to the new system or retain the old one.

Post last modified: May 15, 2016 @ 10:30 am

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