“Better Together”…. A new series of the sights, sounds, and stories at the Cornwall Curling Club.

(from our Cornwall Curling Club Manager)

When you watch a community hub like our clubhouse and curling area come together and run throughout the season… you hear and see the stories of ‘community’ in ways that are nothing less than beautifully humane, and in many cases…inspiring.

These are stories of the people who enter our clubhouse.
Stories about paying attention.
Stories about kindness
Stories about the people who proudly include our club as a part of their own communities.

This week we were very excited to begin to prepare for our 2020-21 season. We have worked so very hard to do everything we could/can to support a safe (as possible in these unusual times) and warm environment for our members, user groups, and employees.

Margaret and David O’Connor

When we decided we needed a plexiglass divider between our bar and customer service area, we knew that we would approach O’Connor Glass.
For two reasons really…
1. We know, by experience and by reputation, all about the expert and quality work done by David and his team.
2. The O’Connor Family have been long time members of the Cornwall Curling Club, and have been incredibly supportive and have been champions of all of our programs.

And so, this shared note today is about more than just an exchange of business, it is an announcement and observation of kindness … in all the small, but so very important ways that matter.

So our NEW plexiglass divider was not up long before people began noticing….
So many comments on how fantastic it looked~ the detail and clean lines perfected and obviously fine-tuned with much pride. No crooked cuts, no sloppy glue marks or awkward angles.
Immediately most knew who did this work…
It was “David and his team at O’Connor’s Glass”…

But when you recognize community as the people, businesses, and services, around you~ you will know that most stories of a local business exchange always has a deeper more meaningful story to share.
More than workmanship and service alone.
You hear and shake the hands of local owners, managers, and workers. They are on the front lines, they are working long hours and most often doing so with great enthusiasm and pride.

The community contributions of David and Margaret O’Connor and their team is nothing less than genuine. They are an example of the importance of small (and big!) acts of thoughtfulness , of pride….and how we can, by our work, create a community of kindness.

So many of those who have seen our new divider shared stories of admiration for David, Margaret and O’Connor Glass.

One person shared a story of a professional who works with those with hearing impairment. She needed a piece to keep her and her clients safe during this global pandemic….and her clear mask was not working well.

You see, she needed her clients’ practice of communication and her intervention to include lip-reading. While her husband explained to an O’Connor Glass team member his wife’s dilemma, David suddenly leaned his head out of another room “ I think I have something that will work” he said with a  measure and tone that only spoke of compassion. Not long later, a perfect divider provided and presented with best wishes and grateful intention for the important work that this professional does during her days.

A story of a group of athletes going to a national event. They discussed a longing for equipment that represented their provincial pride, they wanted everyone in Canada to see our province’s name and flag on their equipment! David was first to offer provincial brooms he had stored away. He passed them on with a genuine handshake and a “good luck!” to the team.

There are many stories… and, no doubt, many more that we do not know of. David and Margaret would be so very modest and might be a little embarrassed by any acknowledgment of their good work…as most people with this nature do. But as we hear and see so many stories of sadness and struggles on the planet right now, we believe that sharing the beautiful stories can brightened our day and remind us we are more than our collective struggles. We are our sweet victories too! That we are ‘better together’.

We believe our club is so much more than curling rocks and brooms (although it’s all so exciting… this game of Curling), we feel that we need to shout from the rooftops when we witness “community”… inside of our doors, and in our neighbourhoods of Prince Edward Island!.

Thank you Team O’Connor Glass Ltd !!


#PEI? #Community?#CurlingLife #KeepCurling #BeSafe #BetterTogether

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