Hope and Groves rinks win Wed. Ladder League Round One (updated with full Round Two draw)

The first round is complete in the Wednesday evening Ladder League, with the Bill Hope rink winning the “A” Pool, sponsored by Lowther’s Snow Removal, with a 6-1 win-loss record, and the Greg Groves team taking the “B” Pool, sponsored by Sam’s Cornwall Restaurant, also recording a half dozen wins and only one loss. Other members of Team Hope are Peter Murdoch, David Murphy, and Craig Mackie, while Donald Weeks, Marjorie Matthews, and Ken Monaghan round out the Groves rink. 

Three other teams are “safe” and remain in the “A” Pool with Hope for Round Two: the Ray Biagé and Rachel MacLean teams, at 5-2, and the Paul Neima foursome at 4-3. The Emily Sanderson, Kelly Watts, and Greg Robertson teams will be descending the ladder to the B Pool. 

Climbing the ladder to the “A” pool with Groves will be the Rob Gallant and Gord Peters rinks, who both had 5-2 records.

The B Pool will have the 6:30 draw on Dec. 20 as they had the late draw the previous week. There is no draw on Dec. 27 (between Christmas and New Year’s).

It has now been confirmed that there WILL be a draw on January 3rd. The Scotties and Tankard draws are not starting until the next day – there is a banquet for the curlers on Wednesday evening, so our draw is a go.

Round 2 Pools and Teams

Pool A, sponsored by Water & Prince Corner Shop & Lobster Pound

A1-Bill Hope
A2-Rachel MacLean
A3-Ray Biagé
A4-Paul Neima
A5-Greg Groves
A6-Rob Gallant
A7-Gord Peters

Pool B: sponsored by- Lowther’s Snow Removal.

B1-Emily Sanderson
B2-Kelly Watts
B3-Greg Robertson
B4-David Younker
B5-Kim Nicholson
B6-Josh McInnis
B7-Peter Joostema

Here is the draw for Round Two. 

Dec. 20 (Week 1)
6:30 pm  Lowther’s Snow Removal “B” Pool + Crossover Game
Ice 1: B4-David Younker vs B7-Peter Joostema
Ice 2: B6-Josh McInnis vs B3-Greg Robertson
Ice 3: B1-Emily Sanderson vs A1-Bill Hope (crossover)
Ice 4: B2-Kelly Watts vs B5-Kim Nicholson

8:30 pm Water & Prince Corner Shop & Lobster Pound “A” Pool
Ice 1: A4-Paul Neima vs A7-Gord Peters
Ice 2: A6-Rob Gallant vs A3-Ray Biagé
Ice 3: Team Smith Practice
Ice 4: A2-Rachel MacLean vs A5-Greg Groves

No Draw on Dec. 27

January 3rd (Week 2)

6:30 pm Water & Prince Corner Shop & Lobster Pound “A” Pool + Crossover Game
Ice 1: A6-Rob Gallant vs A1-Bill Hope
Ice 2: A4-Paul Neima vs A5-Greg Groves
Ice 3: A2-Rachel MacLean vs A7-Gord Peters 
Ice 4: B3-Greg Robertson vs A3-Ray Biagé (crossover)

8:30 pm Lowther’s Snow Removal “B” Pool 
Ice 1: B6-Josh McInnis vs B1-Emily Sanderson
Ice 2: B4-David Younker vs  B5-Kim Nicholson
Ice 3: B2-Kelly Watts vs B7-Peter Joostema
Ice 4: Team Smith practice

Jan. 10 (Week 3)
6:30 pm Lowther’s Snow Removal “B” Pool + Crossover Game
Ice 1: A2-Rachel MacLean vs B2-Kelly Watts (crossover)
Ice 2: B7-Peter Joostema vs B1-Emily Sanderson
Ice 3: B5-Kim Nicholson vs B3-Greg Robertson
Ice 4: B4-David Younker vs  B6-Josh McInnis

8:30 pm Water & Prince Corner Shop & Lobster Pound “A” Pool
Ice 1: Team Smith Practice
Ice 2: A7-Gord Peters vs A1-Bill Hope
Ice 3: A5-Greg Groves vs A3-Ray Biagé
Ice 4: A4-Paul Neima vs A6-Rob Gallant

Jan. 17 (Week 4)
6:30 pm Water & Prince Corner Shop & Lobster Pound “A” Pool + Crossover Game
Ice 1: A1-Bill Hope vs A3-Ray Biagé
Ice 2: A2-Rachel MacLean vs A4-Paul Neima 
Ice 3: B6-Josh McInnis vs A6-Rob Gallant (crossover)
Ice 4: A5-Greg Groves vs A7-Gord Peters

8:30 pm Lowther’s Snow Removal “B” Pool 
Ice 1: B1-Emily Sanderson vs B3-Greg Robertson
Ice 2: B2-Kelly Watts vs B4-David Younker
Ice 3: Team Smith Practice
Ice 4: B5-Kim Nicholson vs B7-Peter Joostema

Jan. 24 (Week 5)
6:30 pm Lowther’s Snow Removal “B” Pool + Crossover Game
Ice 1: A4-Paul Neima vs B4-David Younker (crossover)
Ice 2: B3-Greg Robertson vs B7-Peter Joostema
Ice 3: B1-Emily Sanderson vs  B5-Kim Nicholson
Ice 4: B2-Kelly Watts vs  B6-Josh McInnis

8:30 pm Water & Prince Corner Shop & Lobster Pound “A” Pool
Ice 1: Team Smith practice
Ice 2: A3-Ray Biagé vs A7-Gord Peters
Ice 3: A1-Bill Hope vs A5-Greg Groves
Ice 4: A2-Rachel MacLean vs A6-Rob Gallant 

Jan. 31 (Week 6)
6:30 pm Water & Prince Corner Shop & Lobster Pound “A” Pool + Crossover Game
Ice 1: A2-Rachel MacLean vs A3-Ray Biagé
Ice 2: B5-Kim Nicholson vs A5-Greg Groves (crossover)
Ice 3: A6-Rob Gallant vs A7-Gord Peters
Ice 4: A1-Bill Hope vs A4-Paul Neima 

8:30 pm Lowther’s Snow Removal “B” Pool 
Ice 1: B2-Kelly Watts vs B3-Greg Robertson
Ice 2: Team Smith Practice
Ice 3: B6-Josh McInnis vs B7-Peter Joostema
Ice 4: B1-Emily Sanderson vs vs B4-David Younker

Feb. 7 (Week 7)
6:30 pm Lowther’s Snow Removal “B” Pool + Crossover Game
Ice 1: B5-Kim Nicholson vs  B6-Josh McInnis
Ice 2: B1-Emily Sanderson vs B2-Kelly Watts
Ice 3: B3-Greg Robertson vs B4-David Younker
Ice 4: A7-Gord Peters vs B7-Peter Joostema (crossover)

8:30 pm Water & Prince Corner Shop & Lobster Pound “A” Pool
Ice 1: A5-Greg Groves vs A6-Rob Gallant  
Ice 2: A1-Bill Hope vs A2-Rachel MacLean 
Ice 3: A3-Ray Biagé vs A4-Paul Neima 
Ice 4: Team Smith Practice

At the end of the round, the bottom three “A” teams will drop to the “B” pool, while the top three “B” teams will ascend the ladder to the “A” pool.

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