Blues win PEI Brewing Co. Closing Spiel by a large margin

The “insignicant” lead that the Blue (Jacobs) team had over the Red (Jones) rink had on Friday night became much more significant on Saturday, with the Blues winning most of the games, and ending up winning by the widest v margin in the history of our closing spiel, with a final point count of 267.5 to 157.

Even a visit from J Jones herself could not spur the Reds onto victory!


Photo: J Jones and one of her teammates

Also in attendance for our closing spiel were Murdoch and Muirhead from Scotland, making an early appearance in PEI to scout things out before they compete in the Players’ Championship, later this month in Summerside:


Photo: Scotland’s Murdoch and Muirhead

The Blue team, obviously better at curling than at math, rallied their troops, even though their win was a fait accompli by that time.


Photo: Blue rally

Meanwhile, the Reds were fueling up on burgers and sausages, hoping for a miracle to occur in the afternoon.


Unfortuately, it didn’t, and the most successful Red winner all day was Lorianne Davies, who won the reverse draw for a free one-draw membership next year. Her husband Angus (Blue), along with Danielle Girard (Red) and Dean MacEachern (Blue) won Balance Plus brooms in the same draw.


Photo: MC Bob Fowler, Lorianne, Danielle, Dean, Angus

During the afternoon, Jeff Taylor (who bears some resemblance to J Jones) kept the quarters flying with some trivia (even though Alanis Morissette it NOT the youngest  number 1 Grammy album of the year winner – it’s Taylor Swift!)


Jeff (sorry about the focus – it’s hard to shoot pictures and toss quarters at the same time!)

Finally, it was meal time, and everyone enjoyed a delicious supper of lasagna, garlic toast and caesar salad, with Skor bar trifle for dessert, served up by Trent DeRoche catering.




After supper, it was time for the wrapup and winners’ circle (and the agony of defeat for we Reds!). Master of Ceremonies Bob Fowler took to the mic (although he really doesn’t need one!)


Photo: Bob Fowler

He thanked all the event sponsors, including PEI Brewing Company, Country Style donuts for the morning coffee, and Countryview Golf Club for gift certificates.

Club Vice President Frank Martin then presented principal bonspiel organizer Carlene Peters with flowers as a token of appreciation for all her work, which even included getting flowers and making medals for the event winners, as well as rounding up all the prizes.

Carlene thanked everyone who helped out, including Ray and Barb who worked on the draw, and even yours truly for publicizing the event (although it sounds like she found my Friday night update a bit biased towards the Reds!)


Photo: Frank, Carlene

Finally, the big moment was at hand. Carlene loaded up her flowers, and, with the help of Reds Angus Kennedy and Lorianne Davies, got ready to hand out the medals and let the Blue teams, in order of points earned, choose their prizes from the tables.


Top Blue team was the Lester Callbeck rink, which included Joe Callaghan, Ann Greyborn, and Dean MacEachern


Photo (L-R) Dean, Lester, Ann, Joe

You can find all the winning teams pictured in our photo album.

As a grand finalé, all the Blues posed with their trophy and medals for a group shot.


This year’s event was a huge success, with a full draw, and wrapped up another successful season at the Cornwall Curling Club. In closing, Bob reminded everyone about the annual golf tourney at Countryview, coming up on June 21 (email the club at if you’d like to sign up). We’ve also got our Annual General Meeting coming up (more info as it approaches). We hope to see everyone back here in mid-October for our next season!

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