Board of Directors names new Executive, Committee Chairs, startup dates for 2015-2016 season

The new Cornwall Curling Club Board of Directors held their first meeting on June 15. The first order of business was to choose the Executive and Committee chairs for next season. Congratulations to all new and returning Exec. and Chairs. Feel free to contact them with your questions, comments, and concerns.

(Craig Mackie photo) Incoming President Paula Ling helping a young curler learn to deliver a rock

President: Paula Ling (new)

Vice President: Alan Mason (new)

Secretary: Brent Irving (new)

Treasurer / Finance: Edgar Coffin (returning)

Past President (ex officio): Frank Martin


Membership & Draws: Colleen MacDonald (new)

Publicity: Derek MacEwen (returning)

Facilities: Jeff Taylor (returning)

Bonspiels & Socials: Carlene Peters (returning) & Lisa MacEachern (new)

Juniors: Brent Irving (returning)

Fundraising & Volunteers: Kimberley MacDonald (new) & Alan Mason (new)

Daytime Curlers: Jim Orr (new)

Nominating: Frank Martin (new)

By-Laws: Derek MacEwen (returning)

The calendar for the upcoming season was also reviewed. with the following key dates:

Returning Member & Returning Jr. Member Registration: Oct. 7
Free Curling School, New Member and new Junior Member Registration Oct. 13 – 15.
Daytime Curling starts Oct. 13. Leagues start week of Oct. 18.
Drop-In Curling night with Halloween theme: Oct. 30.
Junior Camp: Oct. 24-25
Junior League 1st day: Oct 31
We are also planning a Ladies Spiel on Nov. 13-14. and a spiel for the new Olympic sport of Mixed Doubles curling on Nov. 21.

We’ll have a full calendar, and more details on each event as the new season approaches.

Next up for the Club is our golf tournament at Countryview tomorrow (Saturday), with 56 people signed up. Despite the rain right now, Saturday’s forecast is for a sunny day with a high of 18.



Post last modified: Jun 19, 2015 @ 11:30 am

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