Butch McGee wins coaching award at Pepsi Juniors closing ceremonies

The Curl PEI Fair Play and Asham Coaching awards were handed out following last night’s Pepsi Juniors finals at the Silver Fox Curling & Yacht Club in Summerside.

The Asham Coaching awards, as voted on by all the coaches at the event, are presented annual to a junior men’s and a junior women’s team coach, based on the following criteria:

– Demonstrating respect for officials, opponents, host committee and curling associations.
– Demonstrating a philosophy of fair play, good sportsmanship and attitudes that reflect the coaching code of ethics.
– Demonstrating concern for all-round development of the athlete and instilling guidelines reflecting responsible conduct beyond the curling rink.
– Presenting, through example, a positive image of coaching.
– Demonstrating ability to improve the athletic performance of a team or athlete.
– Demonstrating ability to apply athlete development and coaching techniques as outlined in the National Coaching Certification Program.

This year’s awards went to Butch McGee, coach of the Emily Keen women’s rink from Cornwall, and to Tammy Dewar, one of the coaches of the runner-up Tyler Smith men’s rink.


Butch McGee (file photo)


(L-R): Tammy Dewar, Curl PEI representative Rod MacDonald

The Curl PEI Fair Play awards, as voted on by all the teams at the event, are presented annually to a junior men’s and a junior women’s player who demonstrate sportsmanship and fair play both on and off the ice.

The Fair Play women’s award went to Silver Fox skip Jenny McLean, while the men’s award was presented to Brooks Roche, third on the Tyler Smith team from Montague.

roche(L-R): Brooks Roche, Curl PEI representative Rod MacDonald

mclean(L-R): Curl PEI rep Rod MacDonald, Jenny McLean


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