Circles painted, thanks to our dedicated ice crew!

The circles have been cut and painted, and Cornwall Curling Club’s ice will be ready in lots of time for our 6:30 pm Wednesday curling instruction (postponed from Tuesday due to a faulty ice plant part), thanks to the dedicated ice crew of Lance Lowther, Al MacCormac, Jeff Taylor & Roy Coffin, who worked until 2 this morning, as well as Montague’s Larry Richards, who cut the circles and, along with his wife Barbie, stayed to help with the painting, and Phyllis Lowther, who did the necessary coffee runs. Left to do: install the back lines, T-lines, advertising decals, etc., flood the ice a bunch of times, scrape, pebble, add the hacks, and try out the newly reconditioned rocks.

icecircles2015Photo: head icemaker Lance Lowther admiring the perfect circles!

We’ll let you know when the ice is ready to use!

Post last modified: Oct 11, 2015 @ 2:17 pm

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