Last Monday evening at the beginning of the early draw, one of our members, Paul Horne, was beset by what appears to be a severe heart attack. We understand Paul’s condition is serious and our hopes and prayers are with him and his family at this time. We wish to thank all those who took an active role in the response to this emergency and in particular we thank Krista Affleck whose active and prompt participation in CPR until paramedics arrived, was probably crucial in saving his life.
As a result of this incident and a recent similar one at the APM Center, the subject of an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) quickly surfaced as a necessity at our club. The subject was “fast tracked” and management quickly looked at various options for the purchase of one. The club’s Seniors offered to pay for approximately one half the costs. As a result of an article in the Guardian, Cornwall Physiotherapy & Sports Rehabilitation, owned by Ralph Manning, generously offered to donate $1500 towards the purchase of the unit. Unanimous Board approval was obtained and it is my pleasure to announce that the unit has already been purchased and will be installed at the club shortly.
It is important to note that training in the use of the AED and in CPR is required. Staff will be trained in its use and a training session has already been booked for Sunday February 21st at 1 pm, the earliest convenient date available. The training of volunteers in the use of the AED will be required to complement the staff however, we are not certain how many can be accommodated. This will depend on the number of persons and costs, etc. Please register your name with Bev if you are interested in participating in this course. Thank you.
John De Luca, President