Club Operations Update for 2022

Hello Members,

We hope that this update finds you and those you love safe and well.

The Club, at the start of the season, was planned for Christmas Break/Make Up games along with Ice Maintenance from Dec 27th to Jan 2nd.

Given the current CPHO restrictions and the interest from our members in getting some time on the ice (either independently or as a part of their “steady ten”) we will resume our “Members Ice Time” on Monday January’s 3rd …until CPHO restrictions are lifted (hopefully by January 8th if safe to do so).

You can email the club to request your “Members Ice Times” at:

“Members Ice Time” is a great way to get out of the house, get some exercise, and keeps your ‘draws and take outs’ in tact!

Please see below for the guidelines around “Members Ice Time”.

You should also know:

1. Our ‘retail’ operations (the Proshop) will be open at 50% capacity. The Proshop will be open from 12 noon to 8pm, Monday to Friday, starting Monday, January 3rd.
2. Our ‘food and beverage’ operations will be available , at 50% capacity starting January 3rd from 12noon to 8pm, Monday to Friday. Enjoy a drink and a snack. Remember masks must be worn at all times when not sitting AND eating or drinking. Social distancing rules are in affect.

3. ‘Members Ice Time’ is available to members and any of those members who are in their “steady ten”(See book tomes below) will resume January 3rd.

What times can I book “Members Ice Time”?

You can book “Members Ice Time” Monday to Friday, in one hour blocks, at the following times:









*If demand for ice succeeds the hours and days noted, we will review the hours and adjust accordingly.

Who’s can I share a sheet of ice with?

You can book a sheets of ice independently, or you can book a group of 8 who are within your “steady ten”.

What does steady ten mean ?
“Personal gatherings are limited to 10 people plus household members; this is a ‘steady’ 10 people and should not be 10 different people each day.” -CPHO

Personal Gatherings: When you curl in a group of “up to 8” (as per our current club operations guidelines) during our ‘Members’ Ice Time’ with others (vs independently) it is considered a “personal gathering”.

As defined by CPHO:
“Personal gatherings are limited to 10 people plus household members; this is a ‘steady’ 10 people and should not be 10 different people each day.” -CPHO

So basically CPHO (with the goal of public safety and “intent to minimize contacts”) would like you to pick ten people, in addition to your household, to spend time with at “personal gatherings” overall all in life.

How that relates to curling:
As mentioned, curling with up to 8 curlers is considered a “personal gathering”. Who you curl with should be a part of your LIFE “steady ten”.

The intention of this guideline is to allow families or very close personal friends (that you have identified as your “steady ten” cohort in life) to share a sheet of ice.
From CPHO:

“Activities with up to a steady 10 personal gathering limit permitted (e.g. family going bowling, or curling) – recognizing the intent of the current measures is to minimize contacts.”

This initiative was implemented in an effort to offer our members an opportunity to stay active safely during these unusual times, and has been approved (based on conditions listed) by the CPHO and our Club Board of Directors.

The below conditions are mandatory:

*Each sheet can be booked for no more than 8 people in a group.
* Those in your group of 8 or less MUST be considered a “close contact/“a part of your steady 10” as defined by CPHO.
* Each booking will require that everyone in your group sign a disclaimer noting the following: that you are curling with what you have self -identified “close contacts / steady 10” according to the terms and definition of the office of the Chief Public Health Office. Along with a disclaimer that you are not required to self isolate for any reason. (This last point was on our CPHO contact tracing document last season as well).
* Sheets of ice will be booked in one hour increments , however if there is no other booing behind you, your group may stay an extra hour.
*All curlers must social distance at all times.
* The club will maintain a 50% capacity to our posted capacity limit.
* We ask that curlers book during the times that they would normally curl. So if you usually curl from 10am to 12 noon, that you noon at that time. Or if you normally curl Tuesday evenings, that you book at this time. This will not be an absolute (and you can book other times), however , if you do book at a time when you would not normally curl, you may be “bumped” by someone who books that does curl at that time typically.

This program will start after ice maintenance/flood and run until until January 8th when it is hoped that CPHO restrictions are lifted.

For more information from CPHO click here:

Stay safe.

Post last modified: Dec 27, 2021 @ 11:43 am

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