We are very excited to announce that our Club will celebrate its 40th Birthday this season!!!

Our 20th anniversary events included an anniversary bonspiel, a juniors bonspiel, a history room with memorabilia from years gone by, a banquet, and a variety concert.
The team of Al MacCormac, Gladys Wright, Sterling MacRae, and Zita Cameron won the anniversary bonspiel:
Another activity was an “old fashioned” variety concert, which wrapped up with a chorus led by coordinators Phyllis Lowther and Miriam MacLean.
Despite the blustery weather, a large crowd was on hand as piper Danny Campbell lead the “Grand March” from the Cornwall Curling Club to the United Church hall for the 20th Anniversary banquet.
Piper Danny Campbell, followed by Shirley and Gordie Lank, Premier Pat Binns, and other head table guests at our 20th anniversary banquet.
For more on our Club’s 40-year history, visit our “History” page at https://cornwallcurling.com/about/history/