Cornwall Junior Curlers in the hunt for Oak Island Treasure this weekend

There’s Oak Island treasure (also known as “cash”) on the line this weekend at the 26th Oak Island Junior Cashspiel, November 1-3 at the Chester Curling Club, and sponsored by the Atlantica Hotel and Marina, Oak Island. Event Website:

The Lauren Ferguson, Katie Shaw, and Mitchell Schut rinks from our Club are among the entrants in this event. Good luck to all our teams!

Team Ferguson (L-R): Lauren Ferguson, Sydney Howatt, Kristie Rogers, Rachel O’Connor

Team Shaw (L-R) Katie Shaw, Alexis Burris, Meghan Sherren, Lexie Murray. Back row: Coach David Murphy


Team Schut (L-R): Mitchell Schut, Chase MacMillan, Cruz Pineau. Liam Kelly



Post last modified: Oct 30, 2019 @ 7:45 am

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