Cornwall Curling Club members win 7 of the 9 medals at 55+ Games regular curling

hermann55plusPhoto: 65+ Mixed Bronze Medal Skip Gordie Hermann lines up a shot

Here are the medallists from the 55+ Games regular curling event, which wrapped up Wednesday here at the Cornwall Curling Club. Congratulations to all the winning teams, all with members from the host club, with the exception of the McGuigan rink from Charlottetown and the Paul Matheson team from Summerside.

55+ Mixed
GOLD- Lorne McGuigan, Cathy Dillon, Bryon Sutcliffe, Claire Rogers
SILVER- Vern Chowan, Marg Stewart, Barry Craswell, Jean Anderson
BRONZE- Paul Durant, Myrna Craswell, Eugene Murphy, Joanne Durant

65+ Mixed
GOLD- Ernie Stavert, Mary Plamondon, Fidele Richard, Mabel England
SILVER- Vince Fisher, Karen Fisher, Kimball Blanchard, Pat McCardle
BRONZE- Gordie Hermann, Eileen Blanchard, Julien Gaudin, Jessie MacPhail

Men’s Open
GOLD- Paul Matheson, Doug Waugh, Jim Evans, Ralph Yeo
SILVER- Matt Smith, Paul Arsenault, David Murphy, Edgar Coffin
BRONZE- John DeLuca, Ray Biagé, Frank Weiler, Peter Buchanan

Click for photos from curling and other events, and winners from other events at the 55+ Games Society website

The Stick Curling event goes Thursday and Friday, also here at the Cornwall Curling Club

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